Friday, 15 November 2013

Egg flying challenge

Some of the year 5 were trying to make parachutes to protect the egg so it won't crack when we drop the egg from a hight of 120cm. (Written by Louis, Jessica and Samantha).

What a cracking design!
Parachutes in action.
Sadly, some eggs did not make it.


We had ten straws, four pieces of card, two metres of string, some plastic and thirty centimetres of tape to protect the egg from a drop on the hard floor. The challenge was to secure the egg, cushion the fall and slow it down with a parachute. Previous groups had managed 1.2 metres but one 'smashed' the record by reaching 2.5 metres without a single crack!



Friday, 8 November 2013

Bench project part 1

Year 6 will be designing and making some seating for our outdoor classroom using wood from the school grounds over the next few weeks. We had an introduction using saws and drills to make scale models out of some scrap pallets.

Sawing the pallet (safety glove on non-saw hand).
Clamping the wood to the table.
Using a hand drill to make hole for the legs.


Firework collages

Year 3 groups have been using the shapes and colours in autumn leaves to make some spectacular firework collages. We cut up the they leaves then exploded them on the paper, adding details with oil pastels. The children then used 'wow' words to appreciate each other's work! Let us know what you think.



Thursday, 24 October 2013

Flying our kites.

We finally got a clear blustery day to try out Year 3's kites in the playground . As you can see all the hard work paid off!


Friday, 18 October 2013

Kites with Year 3

Red Kite and Osprey classes have been constructing their own kites using just plastic bags, sticks, tape and wool. We were hoping to take advantage of some autumn wind but have only had rain so far! Fingers crossed for some blowy weather next week so we can see if they fly. Here are some instructions to make your own.


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Exciting mushrooms!

Barn Owls class found these unusual mushrooms in the school woods. Any guesses what they might be called?


Friday, 11 October 2013


Oxford Conservation Volunteers came to Windale last Sunday to give our overgrown hedge some much needed attention. Around fifteen willing helpers (including Mr James!) used hand tools to lay the hedge to make it smaller, denser and neater for years to come. This ancient skill makes hedges a very valuable habitat for wildlife like birds, insects and hedgehogs. Thank you OCV!

Before; overgrown and bare in places.

Adding stakes to hold it in place.
 Although the process involved cutting back many of the trees, they will grow back in one or two years.

The finished result.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Dyeing with nature.

Year 4 were collecting lots of different plants and berries on trees and bushes.
We have been smashing all of it together and making loads of patterns to make pictures .
(Written by Tawny Owls group 2)
Collecting colourful leaves, berries and flowers.
Hammering them to release the natural dyes. Mind those fingers!
The result; vibrant butterflies!


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Blackberry picking.

Having used most of the available fruit in the school (see Homegrown crumble), Year 5 groups 3 and 4 went blackberry picking in Spindleberry park for their crumbles.


Pyramus and Thisbe.

The Year 6 groups have been creating storyboards and acting out scenes from the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. This fits in with their work on A Midsummer Night's Dream as it is the play Bottom and the workers act out for the prince. We used scenes and props in the school grounds to bring the story to life.

Pyramus and Thisbe speak through a crack in the wall.
Thisbe flees from the lion, dropping her veil.


New flowers for the school entrance.

The path at the entrance to the school has been looking a bit bare since the gardeners took out all the weeds, so we've ordered 120 tiny plants to put in. These include pansies, primulas and forget-me-nots which will hopefully give us some colourful winter flowers...if we take care of them!

A group of Year 5s managed to re-pot all 120 tiny 'plug' plants to give the roots room to grow bigger, before transferring them to the flower bed. Go team!
We've also prepared the soil by weeding thoroughly and adding some of our super Windale-made compost (enriched with chicken poo)!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Chicken care

Our Year 3 groups have been meeting the school chickens and learning about their needs. They will be responsible for collecting the eggs, cleaning them out and making sure they are fed and watered.

We also designed our perfect chicken homes with everything they would need to keep them happy and healthy. Ideas have included electric security systems, climbing frames and worm digging areas!


Friday, 13 September 2013

Homegrown crumble

Year Five have been making fruit crumbles with fruit picked in the school grounds. We found apples, plums, blackcurrants, redcurrants and elderberries. We realised that we had black, red and white ingredients (Snow White's colours) and used similes to describe them; 'elderberries as black as the night sky!'

Picking elderberries off the stalks.
Lovely ripe plums.
Assembling our crumbles.


Logo test

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Welcome to Windale Outdoors!

Hello and welcome to the new school blog documenting activities in Outdoor Learning sessions at Windale Primary in Oxford, UK. We will be uploading words, photos and films to document, inspire and promote learning outside the classroom. 

Watch this space!