Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Chicken care

Our Year 3 groups have been meeting the school chickens and learning about their needs. They will be responsible for collecting the eggs, cleaning them out and making sure they are fed and watered.

We also designed our perfect chicken homes with everything they would need to keep them happy and healthy. Ideas have included electric security systems, climbing frames and worm digging areas!


Friday, 13 September 2013

Homegrown crumble

Year Five have been making fruit crumbles with fruit picked in the school grounds. We found apples, plums, blackcurrants, redcurrants and elderberries. We realised that we had black, red and white ingredients (Snow White's colours) and used similes to describe them; 'elderberries as black as the night sky!'

Picking elderberries off the stalks.
Lovely ripe plums.
Assembling our crumbles.


Logo test

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Welcome to Windale Outdoors!

Hello and welcome to the new school blog documenting activities in Outdoor Learning sessions at Windale Primary in Oxford, UK. We will be uploading words, photos and films to document, inspire and promote learning outside the classroom. 

Watch this space!